Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Texturing: The Basics and Basic Keyframing

Week 8

This week I got to finally start texturing my finished models (something I've been looking forward too for a while now!) and jumped right in by Photoshopping some pictures of a Venator to use as my main body texture as all the lines and indents on the body are going to be detailed through the textures, as it is far too complex for me to model. Not to mention time consuming! I then created a Normal Map from this usign a website called NormalMap-Online and applied it to my model, adding the bump effect to try and give that little extra depth and detail to the texture.

I created a few more textures, the red for the main strips of colour of the ship and a alternative basic metal colour.  Below is my Work In Progress so far, the back and the smaller details haven't been textured yet.

The next thing I started toying with was 3DS Max's keyframing system, to make my Venator move slowly back and forth, in the lectres Steve has covered Cameras and in the practical Mario showed us a neat little technique in how to make an object follow the path of a Spline. The latter seems like it could be extremely useful in making the final animation look good, and I will start toying with more animation methods and techniques after the Venator is finally finished.

Storyboard update: I have started and nearly finished my revised storyboard for my animation. I will post it when it is all finished, with a closer explanation of each frame and my ideas that I plan to (hopefully implement). So far I am LOVING this project and enjoying learning all of the cool things 3DSMax can do.

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