Thursday, 15 October 2015

3DS Max Practice

Week 3

This week we were intorduced to more features and techniques of 3DS Max, making use of tools like the Align, Mirror and Splines, and how these cna be used to quickly and accurately recreate a model. Also learnt how to insert segments and polys onto an exsisting shape. Mario also showed us how to import a reference image into Max to work from, something I found highlyuseful in getting the shape of my Venator correct and in proportion.

1st Attempt at a Venator Class Star Destroyer

In this weeks practical we had a been set a simple house building task, something I completed fairly quickly and with no real differculty, before I went on to keep practicing my Ventator building skills. Below is my 2nd attempt at the Venator, and as you can see, it is more detailed and shaped much better than my first attempt at the ship. I think for now I will start practicing a different ship, such as the Y Wing, and then when I make another Venator, start adding in more minimal details (such as turrets and antenna) refine the body shape as well as I can to prehaps use as a basis for my final model.

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